Ready to finally build your business and grow your brand?

Join The FREE YouTube Content Plan 3-Day Challenge

and Build Your Business 24/7

Even While You Sleep!

This free challenge will show you how to develop a stellar lead-generating content plan for your YouTube channel.

At the end of the challenge, you will have your own strategic marketing plan (to include the platforms you prefer; Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, TikTok and Google My Business) that will attract the right type of leads, even while you sleep.

Challenge Dates: Coming Soon!

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Thank you so much for your valuable challenge! It was an eye-opener on so many levels!


Shelly DeMarco

You guys are best for enabling us to see YouTube in a different light!


Zoe O'Connell

Thank you so much for your valuable challenge! It was an eye-opener on so many levels!


Shelly DeMarco

You guys are best for enabling us to see YouTube in a different light!


Zoe O'Connell

Having a hard time building your brand?

Most businesses promote their brand online because social media platforms allow you to reach your target audience worldwide easily.

But, the problem is that the competition has become harder than ever. You need to find a different method of building your brand while cutting through the noise made by your competitors.

And, there’s no better way to stand out from thousands of entrepreneurs than creating SEO-rich videos that feature you and your expertise!

Sign up to be the first to hear when we launch our next challenge!

Build Your Brand Like A Boss With Your Own YouTube Channel!

Why YouTube?

  • More than 60% of businesses use video as a marketing tool and YouTube is the right platform where you can do this fast and efficiently.

  • YouTube is the second largest search engine and the second largest social media platform with more than 2 billion users worldwide. This means you can reach a large audience and create a bigger impact with your marketing strategy.

  • It's the best way for ideal clients to find you (thanks to SEO) whether you are a local or online business.

  • It’s a great place where you can nourish, build trust, and connect with your audience.

  • can repurpose your videos to your social platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, TikTok, Google My Business) - where it is available to your audience 24/7.

In short…

Video Marketing is a

Real Game-Changer

When It Comes to

Building 'Know, Like & Trust'

for You and Your Business!

"But, I don't have any idea where to start with video marketing!"

For some, creating video content might seem daunting.

There are important things to do to help your videos get found like finding the right topics to speak about, choosing good video titles, including a CTA (call to action) and more.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and confused because you have no idea how to create video content for your brand, then say no more because we’re here to help!

Sign up to be the first to hear when we launch our next challenge!

  • How to record videos that can get you in front of the right people (even if you are just starting out)

  • How to plan your content in advance (and make everything easier)

  • How you can use one incredibly simple tool to make sure the right people find for YOUR videos

  • How to easily find video topics that will help you attract clients

  • How to attract a continuous stream of business leads with content that builds trust

  • How to create a solid content plan to get your channel noticed

What’s in It for You?

  • You’ll learn how to properly choose and record SEO-rich videos that build your brand with your audience.

  • You’ll learn a proven system to steadily grow the number of your subscribers but more importantly, turn them into raving fans.

  • You’ll learn how to record one valuable video content that in less than an hour a week.

  • You’ll look like a marketing rockstar because you’ll have unique content for all of your social platforms.

Sign up to be the first to hear when we launch our next challenge!

What Others Said About

This Challenge...

Thank you for these sessions! I am new to YouTube, don't have a channel yet, but I'm going to now!


Barbara Dell

Thanks for the light bulb moments!


Samantha Small

Your was the best challenge I have gone through in a long time. It has made such a difference in my life and business.


Marla Bainbridge Martinez

Hello. Finally made it to a LIVE and catching up on the previous videos. Thank you - incredible information!!!


Laura Deltrease

If you are ready to have marketing content that can provide you continuous leads and sales 24/7…

What Others Said About

This Challenge...

Thank you for these sessions! I am new to YouTube, don't have a channel yet, but I'm going to now!


Barbara Dell

Thanks for the light bulb moments!


Samantha Small

Your was the best challenge I have gone through in a long time. It has made such a difference in my life and business.


Marla Bainbridge Martinez

Hello. Finally made it to a LIVE and catching up on the previous videos. Thank you - incredible information!!!


Laura Deltrease

If you are ready to have marketing content that can provide you continuous leads and sales 24/7…

Join the YouTube 3-Day Content Plan Challenge Today!

Sign up to be the first to hear when we launch our next challenge!